> 名酒百科 > 做个人吧琴酒by常路过的旁白


[摘要]:求名侦探柯南英语小剧本旁白:I am a senior student detective kudou shinichi. I was hit by an organization of people in black because I found they were doing ille。名侦探柯南 所有的配音演员江户川柯南(江戸川コナン)日文:高山南 中文:冯友薇(前期)方雪莉(后期)蒋笃慧



旁白:I am a senior student detective kudou shinichi. I was hit by an organization of people in black because I found they were doing ille。

名侦探柯南 所有的配音演员

江户川柯南(江戸川コナン)日文:高山南 中文:冯友薇(前期)方雪莉(后期)蒋笃慧(临时代班)真人版:藤崎直 工藤新一(工藤新一)日文:山口胜平 中文:刘。