> 文章列表 > 元宵节要去看父母吗英语




The Lantern Festival is a traditional festival in China with a long history and magnificent culture.


Welcome to China to spend the Lantern Festival with your parents. 欢迎来到中国来和你的爸妈一起度过元宵节 Welcome to Chi.

Spring Festival是什么意思

The English phrase \"Spring Festival\" refers to the Chinese traditional festival - the Spring Festival. It is used as a noun. It is important to capitalize the first letters of both words and usually precedes with the definite article \"the\". Additional information: some.


The Lantern Festival

元宵节的英文是什么? - u08fLZqeSXi 的回答

festival of lanterns or lantern festival dumplings festival of lanterns lantern festival dumplings lantern festiv.

春节、元宵节和中国的所有节日的英语各怎么说?​ - 150****9...

春节 is called Chinese New Year, 元宵节 is called The Lantern Festival. For all the festivals in China, it is most accurate to refer to them in Chinese. Just call the Spring Festival as the Spring Festival. Why need to translate it as Spring Fest.


Confucius refers to


Eating sweet dumplings: eating sweet dumplings 闹花灯: lantern show, lantern festival 放鞭炮: setting off firecrackers 猜灯谜: guessing lantern riddles.

翻译英文单词将一下单词翻译:1.The Lantern Festival(YuanxiaoJ...

1. The Lantern Festival 2. Qingming Festival 3. Dragon Boat Festival 4. Mid-Autumn Festival 5. Double Ninth Festival 6. Winter Solstice


The English words for Chinese festivals are: the Spring Festival for 春节 (the Spring Festival), the Lantern Festival for 元宵节 (Lantern Festival), the Dragon-Boat Festival for 端午节 (the Dragon-Boat Festival), the Mid-Autumn Fest.